Etehad Roll Plastic Arman
Manufacturer of Wrapping Products
Industrial group of Etehad Roll Plastic Arman (formerly known as Mah Plastic) has been acting almost for 30 years with a coherent knowledge-based management as well as efficient and experienced labor and knowledge of the day. Through an effective programming and policy in production development, maintaining and upgrading quality of the products by paying attention to clients’ needs and reducing production costs and variating them, not only it has always been trying to show its impressive existence both in domestic and foreign markets, but also it has provided costumers satisfaction.
Etehad Roll Plastic Arman was established in 1989 by investing in private section. It started to harvest its first production unit, which was wrapping products in 1980 and has been working on Film Shrinks, Stretch Films, and Plastic bags since then. It has been able to be one of the accredited industrial groups in country’s private sectors. Moreover, Etehad Roll Plastic Arman has been able to take another step in Iran’s economy by producing various products of such kind with best possible qualities both in domestic and foreign markets.

Plastic Bags
Various Plastic Bags
upto 8 colors

Strech Films
Various 3 layered Stretch Films
upto 100cm of thickness

Shrink Film
Various Shrink Films
upto width of 125cm

Contact Us
Tel: (+9821) 77353748 – 77356531
WhatsApp: (+98 912) 1954465
Fax: (+98 21) 77349026
Address: No.23, St. No. 18 (Zamiraee St.),
Etehad St., Damavand St., Tehran – Iran
Etehad Roll Plastic Arman
All rights reserved at Etehad Roll Plastic Arman © 2017.
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